vdB133 & Sh2-106

The vdB133 is a small reflection nebula in the constellation Cygnus, surrounding the supergiant double-star system 44Cyg that is also responsible for the white/yellowish nebula glow . All around a vast Ha emission region including the very peculiar Sh2-106 star-forming region with super-hot gasses expanding outwards on both sizes creating Read more…

NGC 2264

NGC 2264 including the Christmas Tree Cluster and Cone Nebula is a magnificent star forming region located in Monoceros, not far from Orion. Total 18 hours integration time in SHO narrowband palette with RGB stars. I also tried to blend in the central Fox Four nebula which has blue reflection Read more…

NGC 7822

NGC 7822, also known as Sh2-171 is a vast emission region in the constellation Cepheus. A powerful region for new stars formation, which strong radiation ionizes the surrounding gas causing it to glow. Image is a two-panels mosaic narrowband SHO palette with RGB stars, 30hrs total integration time (15hrs/panel) High Read more…